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Planning Board Minutes 5/19/2016


May 19, 2016

Regular Meeting


Members & Staff Present:                    

Chris Condon (Chair) Michael Frosch (Member) Colleen Giffin (Planning Assistant)  

 Bob Holmes (Member) Steve MacDonald (Member) Janet McEwen (Member) Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) John Robertson (Ex-officio)   

Members Absent:   Jeanne Cahoon(Vice-Chair)  Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)   

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00.


Approve May 5 Meeting Minutes

Mr. MacDonald moved to approve the meeting minutes of May 5.Mr. Holmes seconded.

Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Chair Condon thanked Ms. Giffin for making all the members a copy of the Master Plan.


Review By-laws Draft          


·         Capital Improvement Committee

A discussion ensued about who was responsible for choosing who serves on the Committee, the Planning Board or the Board of Selectmen.

It was agreed that the Planning Board would choose the members from the Planning Board and the Selectmen would approve the other members. The two members that would be selected from the Planning Board would be chosen at the organizational meeting after town meeting.

·         The Board agreed that CIP would decide their own by-laws, including when they would start having meetings.


Decorum- Discussion about revised version of this section of Meetings.


Chair Condon asked for a final vote on the revised by-laws.

Motion:   Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the Planning Board By-laws as amended. Mr. Frosch seconded the motion.


Roll Call Vote:  Robertson yes, Holmes yes, Condon yes, McEwen yes, Frosch yes, MacDonald yes


Home-Based Business

Ms. Ogilvie has re-written Article XIV-A Home Based Businesses. She pointed out that she wrote it out in different tiers. Chair Condon asked this matter be laid on the table until the Board had a chance to read over this amended Article.



Accessory Dwelling Units

The State of NH has recently changed the laws about Accessory Dwelling Units and Ms. Ogilvie has amended the Accessory Dwelling Units Ordinances. The Board discussed the changes made. Chair Condon asked this matter be laid on the table until the Board had a chance to read over this amended Article.


Antrim 2020

Ms. McEwen reported on the Antrim 2020 Community Profile Steering Committee:

The dates for the Community Profile Event are the weekend of October 21 & 22, 2016 Great Brook School gym.  
Co-Chair Michael Rondeau has been busy developing the Antrim 2020 website, Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram account. Ms. McEwen is part of the logistics group led by Kim Proctor. This group is in charge of how everything is going to work and get set up. The engagement group is in charge of engaging the town “groups” that already exist (?).  
Some members of the group have been having trouble understanding that the Planning Board hired UNH to help implement this program. UNH has a particular process that they follow and that is what the Planning Board hired them to implement and guide the members of the committee through.
An article will be coming in the next issue of the Limrik about Antrim 2020.


Economic Revitalization Zone

Ms. Giffin reported about the approval of the North Branch Area (minus lot six a residential lot) and the rejection of the Village Business District as an Economic Revitalization Zone.

Criteria for designation:

In accordance with Res 2503.03, evidence of the following information must be provided with your request for an Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credit designation:

(a) Unused or underutilized industrial parks; or

(b) Vacant land or structures previously used for industrial, commercial, or retail purposes but currently not so used due to demolition, age, relocation of the former occupant’s operations, obsolescence, deterioration, brownfields, or cessation of operation resulting from unfavorable economic conditions either generally or in a specific economic sector.

The recommendations from the ERZ are do each individual parcel in the Village Business District that qualifies so that no residential buildings are included.

Chair Condon would like to look into a welcome kit for Antrim to have to offer potential businesses. He is going to do some research into the matter and asked if the Board would do the same.

Ms. McEwen asked if new businesses might be able to get a tax break if they decided to come to Antrim. She wanted to know if there were any tax breaks at the town or state level. Chair Condon suggested the Ms. Ogilvie could look into this. Mr. Robertson pointed out that Hillsborough offered tax breaks to the company putting in the new development just beyond the Antrim/Hillsboro town line. This could be something Antrim could look into.


Appointing of the Secretary

Chair Condon asked that a motion be made to appoint a secretary from the Planning Department.


Motion:   Mr. Robertson made a motion to appoint Ms. Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board. Mr. Holmes seconded the motion.


Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.


Motion:   Mr. Holmes made a motion to adjourn. Ms. McEwen seconded the motion.

Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.


Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm


Respectfully Submitted By,

Colleen Giffin

Secretary of the Planning Board